I would expect this class to provide a list of public properties only. However under the hood, in the SelectProperties method, it is calling GetNonPrivateProperties which can return protected, internal & public properties.
Comments: Fixed in commit https://fluentassertions.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/e0d5f9305f298d7d001180f4399973b1b5327c21. However, internal properties are still included. If the test project has access to those (through an [InternalsVisibleTo] attribute), then we treat that as 'public'.
Comments: Fixed in commit https://fluentassertions.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/e0d5f9305f298d7d001180f4399973b1b5327c21. However, internal properties are still included. If the test project has access to those (through an [InternalsVisibleTo] attribute), then we treat that as 'public'.